Resources - Who is Making a Difference?

There are numerous organizations trying to fight human trafficking and sex slavery yet the public and law enforcement agencies are undereducated about these topics. It requires volunteers and donations to provide the necessary education. It is up to everyone to get involved today by visiting one of the organizations on this list or any other organization that is fighting human trafficking and sex slavery.

MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ORGANIZATION IS -- The Not for Sale Campaign! Find them at They are an absolutely invaluable resource and a wealth of information. But there are many, many organizations out there doing stellar work:

(There is a dearth of services for sexually exploited minors in Seattle)
The Bridge:
A new service of YouthCare, founded in 2010, is The Bridge - a residential facility with room for six girls at an undisclosed location somewhere in the Seattle area. The Bridge allows girls who have been previously exploited to live there for up to two years or until they turn 18, and the location is kept secret as many of the girls are fleeing from violent pimps who might try to get them back into the life of prostitution. With room for only six girls, Director Leslie Briner said she knows that there’s not nearly enough space to deal with all of the girls who need help, but she added that pushing for a change in public opinion is an equally important part of helping exploited children. “You’ll never have enough specialized beds,” she said. Her hope is that as more people know about domestic sex trafficking, more adults will know to look for the signs of prostitution in children as young as 11 or 12 and have the nerve to ask: “Have you ever exchanged sex for money or a place to stay?"

The program is up and running and provides six beds in a home-like setting and comprehensive wraparound services for an estimated 20 young people, between the ages of 14 and 17, per year.
The program delivers services in a highly structured environment, with activities designed to meet both the individual and collective needs of participants. It includes:
·               Counseling for traumatic stress and trauma recovery
·               Survivor support groups
·               Health education and medical care
·               Life skills training
·               Support for GED or high school completion
·               Assistance in preparing for enrollment in post-secondary education
·               Job readiness training and employment placement and internships

Polaris Project
Polaris Project is a leading organization in the United States combating all forms of human trafficking and serving both U.S. citizens and foreign national victims, including men, women, and children. Theye use a holistic strategy, taking what we learn from our work with survivors and using it to guide the creation of long-term solutions. They strive for systemic change by advocating for stronger federal and state laws, operating the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline 1.888.3737.888, and providing services to help our clients and all victims of human trafficking.

Children of the Night 
Children of the Night was started by Dr. Lois Lee who has been working to rescue American children since 1979. They operate a home for children victims that offers emotional and educational support to help the children become children again. Their 24-bed home in Van Nuys, CA offers an on-site school as well as counseling and loving support for the children. They also provide training to law enforcement on handling of children victims and participate in court cases to prosecute pimps.

Courtney's House
Founded in 2008, the Courtney’s House was started by a child sex trafficking victim. Their main mission is to open a group home for sex trafficked teen girls in the Washington DC area. In the meantime they provide counseling services and case management to help trafficked victims get their lives back. In addition they also have a street outreach program in DC that works overnight on weekends when the children are being exploited on the streets.

Barnaba Institute
Started in 2006, the Barnaba Institute focuses on stopping sex trafficking in children and adults. They accomplish this by educating the public and at-risk individuals on human trafficking. The offer training seminars and raise public awareness through their programs. Their work is primarily in Connecticut but they do work with other state, national, and international coalitions.

The Center to Restore Trafficked and Exploited Children (CRTEC) is a national organization that is working to stop the trafficking of American children. The CRTEC considers themselves as more than an organization, they are a movement. A movement that works to educate the public, assist law enforcement, assist families who have lost children to child trafficking, and work with victim restoration centers.

The Defenders USA
The Defenders USA was started in 2006 and they are a group of men who are fighting commercialized sex and anything that contributes to the sex industry. They don’t just educate the public about sex trafficking through their online site; they are actively trying to stop it through their truck stop campaign. In addition they have centers to help sex trafficking victims get back on their feet.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) added the exploited division in 1996. Its purpose is to be a resource for other agencies dealing with sex exploited children. They also have a hotline where people can report cases of sexually exploited children. In addition they provide information on many different types of sex exploitation of children including child prostitution, child pornography, and sex tourism with children.


Founded in 1998, The Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking is a network of not-for profit organizations, service providers and grassroots advocacy groups to highlight the issue of modern day slavery. CAST’s mission is to assist persons trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and slavery-like practices and to work towards ending all instances of such human right violations.


Free the Slaves
Free the Slaves was founded by Americans who do not want to live in a world with slavery and pledges to use every donated dollar in the way that will end slavery the fastest. Contributions to Free the Slaves fund grassroots organizations working to liberate and rehabilitate slaves, educate policymakers about slavery, and raise awareness about modern slavery through the media and through public events, fund research to develop effective solutions to slavery, and build global partnerships to address slavery from all sides.

Somaly Mam Foundation
Founded in 2007 by trafficking survivor, Somaly Mam, the Foundation is dedicated to ending sex slavery around the world with a results-oriented, three-step approach: Action, Advocacy & Awareness.These are accomplished through rescue and recovery, education, reintegration, and global awareness. The common thread woven through all of our programs is the collective voice of the survivors. We model our vision after Somaly’s inspiring life, ensuring that survivors take charge in reclaiming their lives, fighting back against their former oppressors, and refusing to turn their backs on those who remain behind.
The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women is a non-governmental organization that promotes women's human rights. It works internationally to combat sexual exploitation in all its forms, especially prostitution and trafficking in women and children, in particularly girls. CATW is composed of regional networks and of affiliated individuals and groups and serves as an umbrella that coordinates and takes direction from its them to work against sexual exploitation and in support of women's human rights.

Apne Aap
Apne Aap battles sex slavery in India, including in remote areas in Bihar that get little attention. Apne Aap welcomes America volunteers.

ECPAT is a network of groups fighting child prostitution, particularly in Southeast Asia.

Equality Now
Equality Now works to end violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world.

International Justice Mission
International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.

New Light
New Light is Urmi Basu’s organization to help prostitutes and their children in Kolkata, India. It welcomes volunteers.

Shared Hope International
Shared Hope International fights sex trafficking around the world.

Somaly Mam Foundation
Somaly Mam Foundation. led by a woman who as a child was trafficked herself, fights sex slavery in Cambodia.

Vital Voices
Vital Voices Global Partnership supports women’s rights in many countries and has been particularly active in fighting trafficking.

Heal Africa
Heal Africa runs a hospital in Goma, Congo that repairs fistulas and tends to rape victims. It welcomes volunteers.

Born2Fly International
The goal of this organization is to reach kids before the traffickers do. The centerpiece of the 6-week community campaign is a wordless picture book—wordless so that it doesn’t have to be translated into hundreds of languages. It teaches children to make wise choices, know who their true friends are, and spot empty promises of traffickers

Bridge to Freedom Foundation
Founded in 2008, Bridge to Freedom Foundation's mission is to ensure that all survivors of modern day slavery are able to build the skills and resources needed to escape the cycle of modern slavery and abuse while attaining and achieve lives they choose. It accomplishes this by fostering partnerships with for-profit corporations, community groups, academic institutions and the public. The cornerstone of BTFF’s work is found in the support and empowerment of those victims of modern slavery, through personal and professional development.